Every Death In The Simpsons Ranked

5. Beatrice Simmons (Old Money)

Simpsons Death
20th Century Fox

The oldest death on this list, Beatrice "Bea" Simmons' passing in Season 2's "Old Money" still holds up as one of the most heart-breakingly beautiful story beats The Simpsons has ever presented.

Grampa Simpson's lonely days are seemingly over when he falls in love with Bea, a new resident at the Retirement Castle. The two are due to spend an evening together when Homer and his family forcibly take Grampa on safari, believing that the senile old man has imagined his new girlfriend. Tragically, Grampa returns to the home to find that Bea has passed away, robbing him of his last chance to see her.

Not only is it sad that Grampa lost Bea, but her passing also forces him to confront his own mortality and realise that he might have just missed his final opportunity at love. Bea's death also has consequences later on in the episode when Grampa inherits a large sum of money from her and refuses to spend any on Homer - the man he believes to be responsible for this tragedy.

A simple story told brilliantly, the tale of Abraham Simpson and Beatrice Simmons is as potent today as it was in 1991.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.