Every Death In The Simpsons Ranked

4. Mona Simpson (Moan Leaves-a)

Simpsons Death
20th Television

Homer's mother, Mona Simpson, was first introduced to audiences in Season 7 and appeared just once more before her final living appearance in Season 19's "Mona Leaves-a". The outlaw arrives in Springfield to once again try and reconcile with her estranged son after faking her death to escape the police. However, Homer has been hurt one too many times and refuses his mother's apology.

After thinking about it, Homer decides that he was too harsh on Mona and attempts his own apology in the form of a card. When he goes to give it to her though, he finds her slumped in her chair having passed away from old age, or perhaps a broken heart.

Mona's death is an emotional gut punch for Homer and the audience alike. It serves as a brutal reminder that the ones we love will not be around forever and that sometimes we don't always get the chance to say a perfect goodbye. The fact that Mona was used so sparingly by the writers - just three times in just over a decade - made her appearances even more impactful and this one especially so.

Go hug your moms, they deserve it.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.