Every Doctor Who Finale - Ranked Worst To Best
2. Journey’s End (Season 4)
The final finale of Davies' run on the show was one of his very best episodes, let alone finales. Journey's End brought together all of The Doctors greatest companions for one cataclysmic confrontation with Davros and the Daleks. The stakes were as high as they'd ever been and the tension in the episode reflected that.
The twist revolving around Donna was a stroke of genius. The constant reiteration of how ordinary Donna was all lead towards her becoming the most extraordinary being in the universe: The Doctor Donna. This allowed her to defeat the Daleks and save Earth. While the concept of the companion being the one that saves The Doctor was beginning to get a little old, Catherine Tate's fantastic performance kept this idea fresh.
From there, almost every side character had their arcs satisfyingly resolved, particularly Rose whose romance with The Doctor spanned all four seasons. While this acted as a satisfying conclusion for almost everyone, it was only the beginning of the end for The Doctor himself. The finale acts as a fitting ending and a tease of what's to come better than perhaps any episode in the show making it a truly memorable episode.