Every Doctor Who Finale - Ranked Worst To Best

1. Doomsday (Season 2)

Doctor Who Finales

While many of the season finales are fantastic, David Tennant's first is as close as the show has gotten to perfection. It almost seamlessly wraps up so many of the arcs that it has developed over the last two seasons and still manages to tell an incredibly entertaining story.

With this being the final episode for Rose it was obvious that it would be emotional but few could have seen just how heartbreaking it was. The final conversation between The Doctor and Rose being cut off before The Doctor could tell Rose he loved her was gut-wrenching and entirely avoidable.

Outside of emotion, the action was fantastic, pitting the Time Lord's two greatest adversaries, the Cybermen and the Daleks, against each other. Watching old friends like Mickey come back to save the day was refreshing and allowed every side character, particularly Jackie and Pete Tyler to resolve their arcs.

The action and emotion is all held together by Tennant, whose incredible performance is the cornerstone of this fantastic episode. If there were any doubts about Tennant before this episode, they had to have been disproven by this point. If anything, this was the episode which confirmed Tennant as one of, if not the very best Doctor of all time.

Which episode do you think is the best Doctor Who finale? Let us know down in the comments.

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I'm an English Student at The University of Surrey, and will be writing a lot about Films, Music, Comics and pretty much everything on the site. Opinions are subjective so everybody is right, but some people are just more right than others.