Every Doctor Who Finale - Ranked Worst To Best
5. The Big Bang (Season 5)
Steven Moffat's first attempt at a season finale was also Matt Smith's first chance to star in one, and both did a reasonably good job. The story itself is a convoluted time jumping adventure that viewers would later come to expect from the majority of Moffat's finales. This one is easily his most streamlined, with the style as fresh as it would ever be. The Big Bang spans multiple eras as The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song try to stop the universe collapsing before it is too late.
Smith's performance was as charismatic as ever as he used this episode to spawn some of his most iconic moments. It was one of Smith's best blends of comedy and seriousness that has characterised his Doctor so well, which was only enhanced by the great performances of his companions.
Arthur Darville gave a fantastic performance as the now Auton Rory and Alex Kingston was as good as she always had been, though it was Amy Pond that stole the show. Karen Gillian's character was the focal point of the episode and her fantastic performance drove the finale very well.
Overall, the episode not only proved to be a wildly entertaining thrill ride that wrapped up a lot of loose ends but also set up future plot threads like The Silence. Though it wasn't quite as neat as Davies' first season finale, it was a fine effort.