Every Doctor Who Finale - Ranked Worst To Best
4. The Doctor Falls (Season 10)
In a return to form for Steven Moffat following a few disappointing finales, The Doctor Falls is an absolutely fantastic episode that truly showcases the raw talent of its main cast. Following on from the equally fantastic World Enough and Time, the Doctor sees himself up against The Master and the Cybermen, much like he was in season 8. However, this time things are radically changed for the better.
While the Cybermen were obviously tacked on for the season 8 finale, this time they make much more thematic sense and aren't written with as many narrative inconsistencies as they were last time. The true horror of seeing Bill as a Cyberman is played perfectly by Capaldi in one of his best performances in the role.
As for The Master, who was undoubtedly the best part of Death in Heaven, her arc is better than ever before. This is all due to the return of John Simm as a past incarnation of The Master. His performance is an amazing contrast to Michelle Gomez's missy and the resolution is truly heartbreaking as The Master stops himself from turning to good by killing Missy.
The biggest issue was the ending where Bill was saved by The Pilot, which felt only vaguely foreshadowed and seemed like a cop-out. Outside of this, however, it was an almost flawless episode that deserves more respect than it is given.