Every Dragon Ball Z Saga Ranked From Worst To Best
12. Trunks

When someone goes super saiyan within a few minutes of their onscreen debut, odds are, this dude is a big deal. With King Cold and the cybernetically-repaired Freiza both on planet earth looking for revenge, out drops this lavender-haired bishounen with excellent fashion sense and kingly broadsword. Lo and behold, he's the time traveling son of Vegeta.
The episodes of this saga are not remembered for much but Trunks, who to this day has one of the strongest debut's in the history of the series, looking strong without even performing a single attack, simply by taking strikes from both Frieza and King Cold. Trunks holds up the death ball like it's the world's largest beach ball, then lets it explode, not even suffering so much of a scratch on even the threads of his streetwear outfit.
After that, he makes yakitori out of Frieza in a swift series of slices and dices from his blade, then turns his attention to King Cold defeating him just as easily. The villain of last major arc, and his own father get mopped by Trunks within minutes.
With the foes gone, Trunks turns his attention to warning the Z-fighters about the impending doom that the androids will bring, indicating that he was time traveling to save earth from a dystopian future. While not having much to show but the debut, it sets the stage well as fantastic transitional saga.