Every Episode Of Atlanta Season One Ranked Worst To Best

7. Episode 5 - Nobody Beats The Biebs

Atlanta, Donald Glover

Nobody Beats The Biebs is literally about playing games; whether it's basketball, networking at business events, navigating the press or just shooting targets at a gun range. Everything is always about something more and we learn this through Earn, Alfred and Darius in very different ways.

Earn is mistaken for someone else but uses the mishap as an opportunity to rub shoulders with industry elites. The game of networking is at hand for Earn. But Earn is not the best manger, and he fails to keep the facade up.

Darius' story at the gun range might be the most on the nose; but seeing as he is a deeper thinker than many of the people around him, his justification for shooting dog-shaped targets goes beyond practicality.

Alfred's game against Justin Bieber (a black Biebs too!) might be a battle of egos, but it's also a challenge of who can manipulate and change their public image. Bieber is insufferable, but he's loved because he isn't a violent threat. Alfred is, and being reminded he is the bad guy will always sting more than losing a game of basketball.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!