Every Harry Potter Reference In The Simpsons Ranked

2. Angelica Button And The Dragon King's Trundle Bed

Harry Potter The Simpsons

NOTE: Please can this be the image used?

Homer Simpson has never really been the father of the year type, but in season 18's The Haw-Hawed Couple, he put Lisa's feelings ahead of his want to have sex with Marge, and read her a story. The Dragon King's Trundle Bed was the ninth book in the Angelica Button series, and even Homer himself got hooked.

Much of this episode told the story with Homer portraying the wise old headmaster Greystash, and Lisa as Angelica Button herself. It is a glorious spoof of Harry Potter, down to the serpent on the Merlinical Council, and the villain, Lord Evilton.

Homer became so invested in the story that he even woke Lisa back up to carry on reading. When his daughter spent the night away from home at a sleepover, Homer couldn't resist reading further without her.

Greystash was ultimately killed by Malicious Krubb, mirroring Dumbledore and Snape, but Homer didn't want Lisa to be saddened, so instead made up a completely new ending. Greystash used his moustache power to defeat the villain, before driving off with Angelica in a sports car. Lisa said Homer's ending was better, but it really, really wasn't.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.