Every Inside No. 9 Episode Ranked From Worst To Best 

22. Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room

Inside No 9

Plot: Two members of a variety act (Pemberton and Shearsmith) which didn't quite make it reunite for a new show, but there's still a lot of tension between them due to how things ended for them.

Location: A church hall.

This one really, really sneaks up on you.

At first, this is a slow episode and while it's all very watchable, chances are you'll be a bit disengaged from the story.

Nonetheless, in the second half, as what's really going on becomes clear, the episode announces itself as one of the most moving and emotional Inside No. 9 stories to date. Thanks to the great performances from Shearsmith and Pemberton as well as some extremely clever writing, this will leave everyone feeling very emotional.

In fact, it might even make you cry.

But it never feels emotionally manipulative or obvious; all of the dramatic moments feel earned and authentic, which is a definitive testament to the brilliance of Shearsmith and Pemberton as writers.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.