Every Major Gotham Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Ra's Al Ghul

Gotham Fox TV Show Villains

He was never originally part of Batman's comics origin story and Gotham has done well to weave the League of Shadows mythos from the Batman movies into Bruce Wayne's proto-training for a higher purpose. This adopts a storyline seeing Ra's encourage Bruce to take his place as The Demon's Head and to lead the League of Shadows.

Alexander Siddig does a brilliant job of playing a menacing puppet master leading Bruce down a dangerous path from the shadows. He'd brainwashed Bruce to the point where he was duped into killing Alfred, and once he'd realised what he'd done the young Wayne, had to use the Lazarus Pit to revive him.

The lasting effect that Ra's had on Bruce after his death was spectacular. The villain wasn't just dispatched and forgotten; instead his legacy lingered and haunted Bruce.

Gotham can be silly and wild at times but their treatment of Ra's Al Ghul really expanded the character at ground level as well as its mystical nature.

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Film and TV fan with a weakness for comic books. Will fight you as to why Green Arrow is better than Hawkeye.