Every MCU TV Show Ranked From Worst To Best

16. Agent Carter: Season 2

Punisher Ghost Rider2

Agent Carter's fantastic first season was the-little-engine-that-could, yet after its sleeper success, they dropped the ball with a follow-up that led to a swift cancellation.

Haley Atwell's Carter was a vital piece of the puzzle for not just Marvel on the small screen but its Cinematic Universe too. The second season was primed to bring one of the pivotal founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. forward into interesting territory.

Instead, the showrunners just did season 1 again but moved the location to Hollywood. Carter went through the same gender conflict, same romantic sub-plot, same old everything. It felt like a superfluous waste of the character, not to mention, the actress.

Regardless, even if it is a disappointing experience, it's still very watchable; Atwell is her usual stunning and enjoyable self, the production lovingly recreates the era and we're even given a surprisingly layered and sympathetic villainess (even if her thread wraps up anti-climatically).

Still, it wasn't enough both in general and in retrospect; its plodding nature is even more infuriating since it pushed ratings to plummet and got the show an axing.

Here's hoping that Carter will get a chance at redemption in the near future - perhaps on Disney's upcoming streaming service? Fingers crossed.


is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.