Every Netflix Marvel Villain Ranked Worst To Best

11. Gregory Sallinger (Jessica Jones Season 3)

Jessica Jones Kilgrave

Gregory Sallinger, played by Jeremy Bobb, was the final Marvel/Netflix villain we got to see as Jessica Jones' third season brought the collaboration to a close. Sallinger was creepy - there is no doubt about that - but his character was nothing revolutionary.

Sallinger is a serial killer clever enough to get away with it time and time again. He doesn't have any special skills or grand ambitions, but this is what made him scary - he was realistic.

Sallinger's motivations were a bit all over the place and this hinders his ranking though. They started off very clear cut. Sallinger wanted a power-kick whether this was from killing or from all his qualifications which made him the most intelligent and skilled person in the room.

It hence makes sense that with her enhanced powers, Jessica Jones would be a threat to Sallinger. She can do things he never could but this is where it all went a little awry, as his attention turned to Trish Walker. It may have sent Trish down an interesting path - which unfortunately we won't get to see - but for Sallinger, it seemed to detract from his initial intent.


Experienced journalist bringing you ALL the content on everything gaming, film & tv. Popular opinion: We need Jon Bernthal back as The Punisher in the MCU. Unpopular opinion: Abby > Ellie in The Last of Us.