Every Rowan Atkinson Film & TV Project Ranked From Worst To Best
17. Hot Shots! Part Deux
For those who haven't seen Hot Shots! Part Deux, the idea of a project crossing over both Charlie Sheen and Rowan Atkinson might sound like a prime example of the Mandela Effect.
But it really did happen, and it was pretty good, although it does stand out on this list for carrying a more goofball, "American" comedy style which some may not enjoy.
The film is essentially a parody of the progressively more over the top Rambo sequels popular at the time. The film would be well-received critically, but compared unfavourably to the original 1991 Hot Shots!, with diminishing commercial returns ultimately ensuring that there would be no Hot Shots! 3.
Atkinson would play the extreme end of the useless hostage trope, with Sheen's hero rescuing him from the clutches of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, who had trapped him by ingeniously having his shoelaces tied together.
Considered to be the peak of the lead's comedic work, the Hot Shots! films were truly prime Charlie Sheen, long before the inexplicably popular Two And A Half Men, or his descent into much publicised personal issues.