Every Season Of Parks And Recreation Ranked Worst To Best

5. Season Two

Parks And Recreation

Season two serves far better as an introduction than the first. Having finally found their footing, the show managed to come into its own and shook off the last of The Office comparisons. With more episodes and a bigger budget to play around with, Daniels and Schur could finally explore these new characters and flesh them out into something fans could grow attached to.

The season is scattered with guest stars and introduced us to some of the best second tier characters we have ever seen. Megan Mullally, Andy Samberg and Louis C.K brought some well-loved faces to an already stellar cast list, while Ben Schwartz as Jean-Ralphio and Jay Jackson as Perd Hapley provided endless amounts of quotable gold.

While it was full steam ahead, there were still a couple of issues holding Parks back from greatness. Paul Schneider really struggles to fit into the mix as the writers tried multiple directions with his character.

Realising defeat, this would be the last season with Mark Brendanaquitz. However, Mark's absence would barely be felt by viewers. As his time on the show ended, we were introduced to Ben Wyatt and the comedy powerhouse that was Chris Traeger.


I'm just happy to be here