Every Season Of Parks And Recreation Ranked Worst To Best

4. Season Six

Parks And Recreation

Things start to go downhill for the Parks department during season six. The show returned to its focus on conflict and the character's struggles as various cast members left the show. This season saw Ann and Chris move away to have a child, while Andy was largely absent due to his new job in England. The change in casting lead to some big changes for the show, the biggest question being how do you replace these vital characters. Something drastic needed to happen, and something drastic is what we ended up with.

The show receives something of a soft reboot midway through season six, as Leslie is recalled from city council and needs to find something to occupy her time. We are given another Galentines Day episode, to disastrous results and Leslie makes her least popular decision to date. The merging of Pawnee and Eagleton offered a natural way to introduce new characters, including the brilliant Billy Eichner who stayed and ended up taking over the department as everyone else moved on.

Though there was another season to go, this one really feels like the end of a fantastic run. Character arcs are wrapped up perfectly and the department's transition is handled brilliantly. There's no doubt that fans would have been pleased with this season as the last hurrah, but of course, Leslie wasn't done yet.


I'm just happy to be here