Every Season Of Parks And Recreation Ranked Worst To Best

3. Season Seven

Parks And Recreation

The final season of Parks and Recreation feels more like a spin off show, rather than a finale. With everything being wrapped up so well during season six, it was difficult to imagine where the writers could go after the time jump. Thankfully, they managed to pull it off and give viewers an incredible send off

Continuing where they left off, we check in on the sucess of every character in the show with each episode acting as a farewell for a different character. This left plenty of room for the last episode to focus on the future, reflecting the ever optimistic attitude of Leslie Knope.

The finale is one of the best in TV history. The double episode gave everyone an emotional send off, even bringing back Ann and Chris for one last episode. Following Leslie as she says goodbye to everyone before her big move to Washington, we see a glimpse into everyone's futures. It's so wholesome to see everyone's sucess down the line, as well as some hilarious twists (looking at you Jean-Ralphio). The episode ends as the gang finish their final Parks project and Leslie's iconic parting line, "I'm ready" ensured there wasn't single a dry eye during the credits.


I'm just happy to be here