Every Sex Education Character Ranked Worst To Best
10. Jackson Marchetti
Jackson's such a weird enigma in Sex Education. He walks a fine line between being one of the best and one of the most forgettable parts of the show. On one side of the coin, he's wowing you with his compelling conflicts and charm, but on the other, he's just mulling around and not grabbing your attention. That inconsistency is why he's a little lower on this list.
One of the best things about Jackson is how he goes against the typical popular boy type you'd expect him to be. At first, he hits all the usual stops, being the cool and likeable guy Otis wishes he could be and even acting as romantic foil for him. But, as you learn more about him, his overbearing mother and his anxiety issues, you see that there's more than meets the eye with this kid.
Sadly, while that aspect of his character is excellent, he has been going on a downhill slide since season one, as he's never managed to find a story as engaging as his departure from swimming.