Every Sex Education Character Ranked Worst To Best

9. Lily Iglehart

Sex Education

Lily is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic parts of Sex Education. She's deliciously quirky, highly amusing, and performed to perfection by Tanya Reynolds. Despite that, she lags behind a little because she is rather one-note.

Once you've gotten to know Lily throughout the first season, you'll learn all you need to know about her. She likes aliens, has a morbid obsession with sex (especially with tentacles) and is generally a weirdo. However, she hasn't changed very much since then, even after developing a romantic relationship with Ola and being given a big bump up in screen time.

Simply put, while Lily is an utter delight, she doesn't do much outside of being a goofy, quirky, tentacle loving, comic relief character. Even when trying to take more serious angles, she ends up playing to the same punchlines and jokes.

It's true that the simplicity of her character works really well, but when held up against the others, she does not come across as entirely three-dimensional.


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