Every Simpson, Griffin & Belcher Family Member Ranked

2. Stewie Griffin

The Simpsons Guy Cutaway

Victory shall be his! Well, not quite...

Stewie pips his dad Peter as the best Griffin around and claims his spot in second place. It was a close run thing, but Stewie’s slightly more subtle humour means he can get more jabs in and steal the spotlight. His bonus answers on Family Fight, such as 9/11 being his favourite holiday, are possibly the best example of this.

He also gets great action sequences; Stewie Kills Lois/Lois Kills Stewie being classic examples, Pal Stewie bringing it this year. This dynamic with Brian is easily the best out of any Animation Domination pairing, even if plots involving those two can sometimes get too weird.

Their decision to throw him the 300th episode (which ended up airing as the 301st, go figure), didn’t work out though.

Send In Stewie Please might have been a decent examination of his inner psyche, but it seemed too erratic and too focussed on showing us how clever Stewie is; after 300 episodes we’re more than aware, and most would have preferred a more introspective episode, given the set up of a psychiatric evaluation.

And lets just all forget that time he got pregnant with Brian’s babies, shall we?


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)