Every Simpson, Griffin & Belcher Family Member Ranked

13. Lisa Simpson

The Simpsons Guy Cutaway

How the mighty fall...

Taking just the Golden Era of The Simpsons into the equation, Lisa would’ve been a shoo-in for the top five; she might even have been a dark horse to finish above her brother. These days though, her character has been utterly butchered into a parody of what she once was.

Recent Lisa episodes only show her to be preachy, arrogant and unpleasantly selfish; worse, she’s often the antagonist in Bart and Homer stories. In Season 30, up to eight episodes have Lisa as the bad guy in some way or another, usually with minimal justification.

The worst ever example of this though was when she gave her patronising defence of Apu to the camera, which seemed to misunderstand the criticism anyway. Is Apu a racist depiction? Maybe, but Lisa Simpson would be the last character on the show to talk down to those fighting a perceived injustice.

Everything that made her special has been chewed up and spat out. Lisa The Vegetarian, Lisa’s Date With Density, I Love Lisa and Lisa Vs Malibu Stacy remain classics, but the last fifteen or so years have seen her stock drop massively.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)