Every Simpson, Griffin & Belcher Family Member Ranked

10. Gene Belcher

The Simpsons Guy Cutaway

Gene’s ranking makes him the worst Belcher, but that’s an incredibly harsh way of looking at it.

Without giving too much away, you can expect the Belchers to all congregate around the middle of the list, and unfortunately for Gene, he’s the one left propping them up.

Unlike the Simpsons and the Griffins, the Belchers are definitely greater than the sum of their parts. Therefore, when it comes to splitting them they mostly bunch ahead of the Animation Domination weaker offerings, but below the more iconic characters.

While Gene’s trailing for them here, he actually has a fantastic dynamic with pretty much everyone in his family. He’s sweetly inappropriate, carefree and is never anything less than himself.

In the early years, he was shuffled around a little as Bob’s Burgers struggled to find its niche. The other characters didn’t really go through this, so again he’s knocked back in the ranking slightly.

Because they rely so much on family dynamics, Bob’s Burgers doesn’t go in for solo episodes all that often. When it does though, Gene episodes are pretty much the worst.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)