Every Star Trek Reference In Futurama

5. V-Giny In In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela

Star Trek Futurama
Comedy Central

In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela starts with a simple premise. A death sphere called V-Giny is travelling the universe destroying planets and is heading to Earth. V-Giny is already a clear reference to the V'Ger and Nomad satellites. Nomad was a satellite searching new life that merged with another satellite and started wiping out life it deemed imperfect.

This is mirrored in the fact that V-Giny is a merging of The V-Chip satellite and the USAF Flying Destiny. As a result, it has changed its purpose, much like Nomad, and has begun wiping out planets and life it deems indecent, matching V-Chip's original purpose as a satellite to censor indecent TV shows. The reference to V'Ger is also clear in the name. V-Giny is what remains of the letters of V-Chip combined with the end of The USAF Flying Destiny. V'Ger remains as the only readable letters still on the satellite, originally Voyager 6.

Both of the satellites in Star Trek are dangerous, wiping out all life they come across. V-Giny is clearly a reference to the two, as it remains a dangerous satellite.

The Star Trek references continue in the fact that The Professor seeks to identify V-Giny in Janeway's Guide, referencing Katherine Janeway, captain of the USS Voyager.


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