Every Star Trek Series Ranked Worst To Best

5. Enterprise

Every Star Trek Series

The oft-unfairly maligned Enterprise comes in at roughly midway in the rankings. It was a show that was a product of its time, in spite of its time. Appearing on air in the aftermath of the devastating September 11th attacks, this was a show that was determined to present a positive and upbeat view of the future. While the idea of a prequel had been developed long before the show's inception, it became a seemingly great way to show the world a brighter future, right when it was deemed necessary.

Most unfortunately, the world began to move in other directions. While Enterprise was polished and stuck to the Starfleet M.O., shows like Battlestar Galactica were rising in the Sci-Fi ranks, showing a future that was a grim retelling of the current War on Terror.

While neither show did particularly well in the ratings, it was clear that the world was opening up to far darker ideas. Even the most light Stargate SG-1 felt these darkening effects. Enterprise attempted to adapt and the show's heavy third season - taking place in the aftermath of a devastating shock attack on America/Earth - became one of its best. The Xindi Arc though still managed to reflect something of Roddenberry's hopes.

While Enterprise zoomed off into the expanse to hunt down those responsible for millions of deaths, in the end they manage to secure peace with the aggressor. It may not be Star Trek of the '60s, but Enterprise has everything that a great Trek entry needs.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick