Every Star Trek Series Ranked Worst To Best

1. The Next Generation

Every Star Trek Series

The Next Generation redefined what Star Trek was. With only the Original Series to content with, it was in largely uncharted territory, taking place roughly eighty years later. The straight laced Captain Picard seemed a far cry from the fun Captain Kirk. Commander Riker was no Spock. The doctor was a woman this time? Surely not! Then they put a Klingon on the bridge and a blind guy flies the ship? What's next, robots in uniform?

The show has become the most beloved entry in the franchise. The cast's bond is so pure and heartwarming that it continues to bring joy to fans to this day. The show explored themes of exploration like never before, becoming the example for what first contact should be with alien races. Picard's diplomacy was legendary and his capture by the Borg was terrifying.

Yet, in that same moment, who didn't root for Riker to rise to the occasion and become the captain we all knew he could be? This series, more so than any of the rest, embodied Roddenberry's brave new world, his Utopia. There was largely no conflict on board ship, something which frustrated the writers but allowed beautiful on screen relationships to rise.

The ship was stunning, the music emotive and the alien cultures both explored and developed. Here, the Klingon strive for honour was truly defined. Romulan duplicity and Cardassian militarism were introduced and the all-knowing Q saw everything. The show may be no more but if Picard keeps even some of that spirit alive, then the future of the franchise is moving in a very good direction.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick