Every Star Trek: Voyager Season Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Season 6

Tom Paris Death Star Trek Voyager
CBS Media Ventures

The beginning of the end for Voyager starts here, with Pathfinder giving Voyager contact with Earth and the viewers the chance to see Lieutenant Barclay once again. While viewers barely see the crew in this episode, it is one of Voyager's best. There's tension throughout as Barclay fights for his idea to contact Voyager while his superiors doubt him. It's an excellent episode for the character of Barclay, showing just how intelligent and caring the character is while also setting up his role in future episodes.

The hilarious Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy also makes an appearance here. After proposing an idea to Janeway and having it rejected, the Doctor takes matters into his own hands, leading to consequences for the entire crew. It provides serious tension when things start to go wrong, but also gives a hilarious scene during one of the Doctor's daydreams. The humour scattered throughout this episode relieves the tension while allowing for further development of the Doctor and the way he is viewed by Janeway.

The big issues with season 6 are the episodes Fury, Muse, Spirit Folk and Alice, which lower the quality and consistency of this season. Fury undoes all of Kes’ character development by having her destroy the starship as revenge on Janeway for taking her from her home. This completely ignores the fact Kes wanted to explore the quadrant with the crew and enjoyed her time on the ship, where she was able to develop her mental abilities. Bringing Kes back could and should have provided an excellent story, but the writers squandered the opportunity.

Muse, Spirit Folk and Alice are all episodes that don't have good storylines and are easily skippable.

It's a shame that season 6 had those terrible episodes, as it is a brilliant season that has some excellent stories.


A recently created Star Trek fan with a special affinity for the adventures of Voyager and its crew. I enjoy the occasional horror movie and love anything 80s to the point where I've been told I was an 80s child reborn. I'm a true blue Aussie and proud of it.