Falcon & The Winter Soldier: 10 Biggest Takeaways From Episode 3

8. Karli Morgenthau Has Gone Too Far

Falcon and Winter Soldier Sam Sharon Bucky

The first two episodes, and the majority of the third episode, fleshed Karli Morgenthau out to be more than just a typical MCU villain. There is a clear, reasonable motivation for the Flag Smashers doing what they are doing, and they have gathered much public support across Central and Eastern Europe.

Karli and her crew have made it their ambition to return the world to how it was during the Blip, and are trying to help and protect those that lived and suffered through the last five years that the Global Repatriation Council don't appear to see as a priority. Instead, the GRC are focusing solely on those that have returned, leaving the Flag Smashers to fight for everyone else.

Episode three saw the group of rebels steal six months' worth of supplies that weren't being used by the GRC to redistribute to those that truly need it, but as they drove away, Karli blew up the building with innocent people still inside.

This came as a shock even to her fellow Flag Smashers, and was clearly something she decided to do on her own. She claims that she did it because it was the only way to get people to listen and pay their cause any mind, but she can no longer be classed as someone just trying to do the right thing. Now, she is a murderer.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.