Falcon & The Winter Soldier: 9 Fan Theories That Could Come True

8. The Abomination Will Appear

falcon and winter soldier john walker
Marvel Studios

Right now, there are very few details truly known about the narrative of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but there are a couple that have been alluded to that make up the base of this theory.

Firstly, the show will be revisiting several seldom-used characters from the MCU's past.

Batroc, Sharon Carter and Helmut Zemo are all confirmed, but there is nothing to say that there won't be others. The fact that Steve Rogers' legacy will be a running theme throughout the series hints at a character from The Incredible Hulk making his first appearance since 2008.

As the government try and steer away from Steve Rogers as a hero and instead build upon John Walker as a more Accord-friendly Captain America, they may look to expose the history of the super soldier serum itself, almost trying to corrupt Steve by association in the eyes of the public.

It was the attempt to create another Steve Rogers that that ultimately led to The Abomination, and even though the character is confirmed to be appearing in She-Hulk in 2022, that doesn't mean he can't first show up in The Falcon & the Winter Soldier.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.