Family Guy: 10 Worst Things Brian Griffin Has Ever Done

6. Kissed Bonnie

family guy brian griffin

As well as a lack of respect for his dates, Brian clearly doesn’t care about the sanctity of marriage either, as these next two entries show. This time, it involves Brian kissing and then running off with next door neighbour Bonnie, leaving Joe all alone.

In Brian’s defence, Bonnie has been a terrible wife to Joe previously, generally putting him down and taking a holiday to Europe with the express intention of cheating on him. However, considering Brian is friends with Joe, it definitely doesn’t excuse his terrible behaviour.

Even though Brian initially regrets the kiss and does feel guilty, it doesn’t stop him later running away with her. In true Brian style, once he has Bonnie, he doesn’t want her anymore and they constantly argue.

Joe turns up at diner where Bonnie and Brian are working, and reconciles with Bonnie. Brian, ever seeing himself as the hero, smugly gloats about being cupid, bringing the Swanson’s closer than ever. This makes Joe shoot him in the leg, which Brian definitely deserves.

It’s not the only time Brian has been inappropriate with his friends’ wives either, showing just how low he can sink again and again.

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Family Guy
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