Family Guy: 50 Best Episodes

18. Sibling Rivalry

Family Guy 18Season: 4 Episode: 22 Original Air Date: March 26th, 2006 This is our second time meeting Bertram, following Stewie's encounter with him in Emission Impossible. This time, Bertram is actually born to a lesbian couple after they used sperm that Peter had donated before getting a vasectomy. Bertram and Stewie meet up with each other and discover that there's a bit of a "turf war" over their local playground, and we get a typically over-the-top Family Guy fight between them, including attack helicopters and fighter jets. Having no other options, Bertram infects Stewie with chicken pox (biological warfare), only for Stewie to recover and send him packing in a sword fight. Again, it's that typical Family Guy insanity that just gets funnier as it gets more absurd. In the episode's side plot, Peter loses his sex drive after the aforementioned vasectomy, so Lois begins turning to food to deal with the lack of physical intimacy in her relationship. She begins to put on a lot of weight, and it ends up turning Peter on, leading to some of the best sex they've ever had, so Peter feeds her and feeds her to make her even fatter. All of that extra weight eventually causes Lois to have a heart attack during sex one day, and she is forced to return to her original weight. The side plot isn't too "out there", but Stewie's run-ins with Bertram are memorable, and leave the door open for future encounters, which would be welcomed.
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