Family Guy: 50 Best Episodes

17. McStroke

Family Guy 17Season: 6 Episode: 8 Original Air Date: January 13th, 2008 After saving the manager of a local burger establishment from a building fire, Peter is offered a lifetime supply of free burgers as a "thank you". Being the heavyset man that he is, Peter takes full advantage of the free food, eating more of them than any human being should ingest. There is a stiff penalty for eating all of that unhealthy food, though... Peter has a serious stroke, paralyzing the left side of his body. Out of other options, Peter heads to a stem cell research center, where he is completely cured of his stroke in a matter of minutes, leading him to hilariously wonder aloud why stem cell therapy isn't being funded more. Now healed, Peter sets out to sue the burger joint for causing his stroke, but he loses the lawsuit after simply not being able to afford the same type of legal team that the restaurant can. Not taking defeat easily, Peter decides to infiltrate the business and take them down with proof that they have shoddy practices in their everyday operations. With the help of a talking cow (this is Family Guy, after all), he is able to do just that. The side plot sees Brian and Stewie making a bet about whether or not Stewie can disguise himself as a high school student and become the most popular kid in school in a single week. Stewie becomes Zac Sawyer and immediately starts hanging out with the "cool kids". He goes to the local make-out spot with Connie D'Amico, but when they're about to have sex, she begins laughing at the size of Stewie's penis. To be fair, it would be pretty unfortunate if a high school senior had the same size penis as an infant, but hey, that's Family Guy for you. Stewie goes from being popular to unpopular after the "baby penis" rumors spread, but Stewie has the last laugh after he removes his clothes and kisses Connie, making her look like a pedophile and having her arrested. It's as crazy as it sounds.
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Columnist/Podcaster/Director at for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.