Family Guy: Every 'Road To' Episode Ranked Worst To Best

6. Road To The North Pole

Family Guy Road To The Multiverse

There are a few different aspects to this episode that set it apart from the others on this list. Not only is it an extra long episode split over two parts, it’s also a Christmas episode, and while it still features an incredibly catchy song, this was sung by almost the entire town rather than just Brian and Stewie.

The supersized story follows the usual ‘Road to’ pair on their way to the North Pole after Stewie is spurned by a mall Santa at the end of his shift. Not only do they discover that Santa is actually real, he has been exhausted by the demands of the world and no longer able perform his delivering duties.

To say it’s a Christmas episode however, it is incredibly dark. Easily the darkest episode on this list. Brian and Stewie’s attempt to be Santa essentially ends up in a home invasion, and the murder of two people, leaving their daughter orphaned.

There is a certain message about greed and what Christmas is really about by the end of the episode, but will anyone ever be able to get the image of Stewie beating an innocent couple to death, and Brian scrambling to clean up the mess out of their heads?

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Family Guy
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.