Fargo’s 10 Most Savage Deaths Ranked

4. Heads Up, Maurice (“The Law Of Vacant Places”)

As stated erstwhile, Maurice LeFay is a colossal moron in addition to being a junkie. He has royally botched the burglary of a rare postage stamp and horrifically murdered an old man. Nerves a-jangle, mind melting, he goes to Ray Stussy’s apartment to settle up.

But Maurice doesn’t quite get that he had the wrong target, and anyway, he took some stamps he found in the old man’s house, so whatever. Ray tells him they’re just plain old stamps, and when he realizes what Maurice has done, things get heated and Maurice loses his cool.

Waving a gun at Ray and his girlfriend Nikki Swango, Maurice demands $5,000 or else he’ll go to the cops or kill Ray or…something. He’ll do something! He storms out and Nikki springs to action.

She knows how long it takes to get downstairs and starts counting. When Ray tells her Maurice is on the sidewalk below the window, Nikki loosens the air conditioner seal and sends it hurtling downward. Splat! Maurice pancakes and the back of his head sprays across the pavement.

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Writer, DS9 devotee, committed AFOL, and expat stranded in South Korea, lightyears from home.