Fargo’s 10 Most Savage Deaths Ranked

3. A Bad Trip ("Happy")

Sometimes it’s fish, sometimes murder. Sometimes it’s just bad luck – clumsy, bozo, bad luck.

Gaetano and his brother Josto had nearly killed one another. Gaetano didn’t like how Josto was running the Fadda crime family and undermined him. Josto, then, got his brother kidnapped and tortured by another crime syndicate. They eventually hugged it out and moved on.

As the brothers are waiting for Odis Weff, a detective who had double-crossed the Faddas, they share stories and start to understand one another and all that. When Odis appears and jumps into his car, Gaetano fires three shots through the window, killing him. Gaetano pauses briefly with the strangest look of sympathy for Odis, then Josto shouts, “Hurry up! I gotta piss!”

Gaetano hastens to rejoin his brother. He doesn’t watch his step, though, and trips. As he topples over, gun in hand, and hits the ground, his finger pulls the trigger. A single shot fires blindly upward, through Gaetano’s chin and out the top of his head. Josto swears and flees the scene.

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Writer, DS9 devotee, committed AFOL, and expat stranded in South Korea, lightyears from home.