Fargo’s 10 Most Savage Deaths Ranked

2. Chumph's Last Stand ("Buridan's Ass")

fargo death

Don Chumph dreams of opening a Turkish spa, and it’s just going to be the best – so lavish, with all the lotions and the like. He tries to blackmail the millionaire Stavros Milo, and when Lorne Malvo finds out, the hitman takes over and Chumph becomes his lackey.

When Stavros agrees to a payment, Malvo wants to avoid any complications with the police. He knocks Chumph out, and when he revives in his house, the chump – get it? – is gagged and duct-taped to exercise equipment with an empty shotgun in hand. Malvo fires a few rifle rounds out a window to draw as many cops to the scene as possible.

Malvo splits and leaves Chumph, hysterical, looking around at the trap that’s been set. As the police advance on the house, a booby trap is tripped and rifle fire erupts. The SWAT team launches a smoke bomb into the house, then knock down the door. All they see before them is Chumph’s outline and the shotgun in his hands. They open fire, riddling the hapless patsy with dozens of bullets.

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Writer, DS9 devotee, committed AFOL, and expat stranded in South Korea, lightyears from home.