Farscape: 10 Things We Want To See In The Film

2. Scorpius Must Return

Scorpius was introduced at the end of season one and has been the main nemesis in the series ever since €“ frankly, if the film doesn€™t contain him then the fans would revolt. The writers know this and the likelihood of him not appearing is so minute that it isn€™t worth imagining. But what might be of interest is to find out what he€™s been doing in the time between the comics and the new film. In the comics, he has since left the Peacekeepers and has effectively being a mercenary working for whoever is the most powerful. That is one thing which could effectively show what Scorpius€™s motivations would be for the new film €“ his attraction to power. Scorpius will be amongst those who seek to use D€™Argo€™s abilities for their own personal gain. Perhaps this might be the final great step that Scorpius has never previously taken €“ he has never sought something for personal gain. Certainly he has sought revenge, or power for those he considers his people, but never something quite as self centred as simply wanting to rule the galaxy. Even in the comics when he stepped away from the Peacekeepers he went to work for the Hynerians €“ and so far he has always seen himself as the subservient to others. Maybe in the film Scorpius will finally get a sense of Napoleonic ambition and decide that he should be the one in charge after all€ and that would be a very scary prospect for the universe.
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.