Farscape: 10 Things We Want To See In The Film

6. Einstein

Einstein was one of the most enigmatic parts of Farscape. His (if he is even a he) real name was never disclosed, and Einstein was simply what John decided to call him. It is Einstein that reveals John had the wormhole knowledge placed into his brain and ultimately in The Peacekeeper Wars removes it. So it seems natural that if John thinks that having that knowledge passed something onto his son, he might seek Einstein out to find out. Of course, Einstein is never an entity who gives a straight answer €“ almost like a much more passive version of Star Trek€™s Q. Perhaps though he might be just as curious about young D€™Argo€™s abilities as John and Aeryn are, as it could very well an entirely unintentional consequence of what happened to John. Even so, Einstein won€™t simply give John an answer on a silver platter unless the universe itself is at stake€ but considering that this is a feature film that will undoubtedly be built on major stakes, that could well be the consideration. It would be a bit of a repeat of the ending to The Peacekeeper Wars though€ so maybe, the creators might go the route of somehow killing Einstein, leaving John, D€™Argo and Aeryn to resolve the crisis on their own.
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.