Fear The Walking Dead: 10 Things You Need To Know About The Spin-Off

3. It's Designed To Stand Alone

One of the most interesting things Robert Kirman confirmed about the spin-off, even before this script leak, is that the show is designed to stand alone from The Walking Dead. That means that not only will they probably not cross over at any point, but also that new audiences could jump on board Fear The Walking Dead without necessarily having seen the original series. It's unlikely there will be all that many people watching the spin-off who aren't already fans of the main show, but it's a cool idea. "You could watch 'The Walking Dead' spinoff if you've never watched an episode of 'The Walking Dead' and get a really great, rich, fulfilling experience out of it,€ he says. It's also supposed to have a totally different look and feel to the main series. On the basis of the pilot script, they've succeeded. Not only is the locale totally different €“ instead of the South, Fear The Walking Dead appears to be set in Los Angeles €“ but the different time frame, group of €œsurvivors€ that are an actual family, and the amount of character drama (and lack of zombies) apparent from the off means this show really does stand apart.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/