The Flash: 19 Easter Eggs And References You Have To See

3. Grodd

There's something else to consider about Barry and his future escapades before all that wibbly wobbly, timey wimey nonsense, however. And that thing is the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room by the name of Grodd. Literally, there's going to be an eight hundred pound gorilla called Grodd showing up in this show at some point. Or so audiences have been lead to believe by that early scene of Harrison Wells showing Barry around the ruined remains of STAR Labs, nine months after the disaster which decimated the facility. Besides all the other trashed equipment and burn marks, the camera lingers a little too long on what looks like a cage from the zoo whose bars have been prised apart, with the sign "GRODD" hanging limply off it. Gorilla Grodd is one of the most infamous Flash villains, and also one of the most ridiculous €“ not to mention one that'll be the most challenging to bring to the screen, budget and credulity-wise. Gorilla Grodd is a hyper-intelligent telepathic gorilla with the power to control the minds of others, who received his powers initially from an alien race, and then from a radioactive meteorite. Regardless of how he gets it (presumably another bolt of lightning in the telly version), Grodd's whole deal is that he doesn't like the human race for their domination over his species and decides to fight back. Both by using his genius-level intellect, psychic powers, and the fact that he's a ruddy great ape who could crush you with one hand.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at