Friends: 10 Best Characters Who Appeared After Season One

1. Mike Hannigan

Friends Mike

It might sound like a broken record at this point, but here's another chance to highlight a great romantic interest. However, Mike stands tall among the rest, as he's the only introduced character to end up getting his happy-ever-after with one of the leads. Good for him, and good for Phoebe.

Seeing as he ended up becoming a mainstay in the series, you'd think he came in with a big moment. However, he was actually just some guy Joey found in Central Park after failing to find a date for Phoebe. Who could have known such a beautiful romance would blossom from that?

Mike and Phoebe were fantastic together as they were supportive but also challenged the other when they needed to. Outside of this relationship, it was easy to fall for Mike, as he was upbeat, energetic and provided plenty of wholesome moments.

In the end, Mike is often touted as the honorary seventh "friend", and it's easy to see why. He played a considerable part in the story and made one of the fans' most beloved characters very happy.

Not bad Crap Bag, not bad.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!