Friends: 10 Best Characters Who Appeared After Season One

2. Frank Buffay Jr

Friends Mike

The Buffay family is not conventional by any stretch of the imagination, mostly thanks to their unfortunate upbringing and fondness for eccentricity. While Phoebe was a whole entity unto herself, her half-brother Frank was also a very memorable character.

After attempting to find her birth father, Frank Buffay Sr., Phoebe instead discovered that she had a half-brother. The pair formed a bond, with Phoebe eventually acting as a surrogate for her brother's triplets. Frank himself was hilariously weird, with erratic energy and strange hobbies, such as "melting things".

Of all the side characters in the show, he was one of the few who got a great sense of development. His relationship with Phoebe, fatherhood and general personality grew so much throughout the series. Although he only cropped up in nine episodes, you could see a whole boy becoming a man arc in that short time.

He never lost that sense of who he was but did become a much better person and father, which is why he's an easy choice for this list.

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