Friends: 10 Greatest Ever Guest Stars

1. Tom Selleck

Who else could it be? On one hand Tom Selleck seems like such an obvious choice for the number one spot. On the other hand, the actor appeared on so many episodes that he damn near feels like he was part of the cast at one point (though for the record, he appeared in nine episodes). Selleck, of course, played Richard Burke, M.D. who, despite being close friends with her parents and 21 years her senior, dates Monica off and on for several seasons. The couple, of course, have their ups and downs. When they first get together, they pretty much have to keep it a secret until they eventually part ways due to the fact that Richard doesn't want (more) kids and Monica seemingly has babies on the mind 24-7. Another memorable aspect of the Richard saga is the man's iconic mustache and its influence on others. The thing almost has a life of its own. We even hilariously watch Chandler and Joey try to grow their own facial scruff only for it to appear not nearly as masculine. Overall, if we were to take Rose and Rachel out of the equation, Monica and Richard would have a good chance of fighting for the top spot of the most significant romantic relationship on the show (well, after Chandler and Monica of course). What was your favorite celebrity guest spot on Friends? Are you upset that Danny DeVito and Denise Richards failed to make it? Let us know in the comment section below.
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: