Friends: 10 Most Messed Up Episodes

2. The One With The Ick Factor (S1 E22)

FRIENDS The One With Ross And Monica's Cousin

Well, it would seem that Ross isn’t the only one of the Gellers to have been involved with someone far too young for him. In fairness, Monica didn’t know just how young Young Ethan was at the time, but that still doesn’t make it any better.

They had gone out a few times, and Monica was truly beginning to fall for Ethan, someone who was considered on the wrong side of too young even when he was claiming to be a senior in college. However, just like Monica when she claimed to be 22, he lied about his age.

Young Ethan was not a senior college, he was actually a senior in high school, something that he neglected to tell Monica until after she took his virginity. The age gap between Monica and the 17-year-old Ethan was nine years, not quite as much as between Ross and Elizabeth, but at least Elizabeth wasn’t technically a minor.

This was only in the first season, and the show was already resorting to sketchy relationship angles to put it far more politely than it deserves. Again, there were jokes before Monica broke it off for being ‘icky’. This was FAR more polite than the situation deserved.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.