Friends: 10 Ways It Should Have Ended

8. Joey Should Have Found Happiness

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What Happened

The final episode left Joey with two forms of poultry, a shattered foosball table and very little else.

Throughout the show we saw him struggle to catch a break in the acting world, we followed his journey to being an expert player of Cups, and we saw multiple failed relationships. Leaving Joey with a failing career and no love interest whilst the other characters were happily coupled off felt so unfair, unlike the rest of the characters though he did get his own spin-off show, but that was essentially a fail too.

What Should Have Happened

In terms of his past relationships we only really saw Joey get caught up on girls that he couldn’t have – Kathy and Rachel being the two most memorable. Bringing in a new character for him to settle down with would have allowed his character to move on to the next stage in his life, just as the rest of the gang had.

A big career break would have worked just as well, and didn't need to be anything massive. Winning awards would have been unrealistic given his past experience modelling lipstick in Japan, but it would have been nice to see him with a little more security. 

Maybe the final scene could have been the cameras panning out for us to see him on a billboard for something he truly loves, sandwiches, pastrami, pizza…?

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I have a pet hedgehog, I like to bake and I do science for a job.