Friends: 10 Worst Things Phoebe Has Ever Done

1. She Stabbed A Cop

Friends Phoebe

Phoebe stabbed a cop... No, that's not a joke. Within the show it may have been played off as a joke, but behind that light-hearted exterior, it's a fairly dark event to think about.

In the episode ‘The One With Ross' Sandwich’, Phoebe tries to help Ross by telling him things to say to avoid his stuff getting stolen. She refers to her time on the street as she writes something down that shocks the group, leading to Monica calling Phoebe a badass, to which Phoebe replies "sometime I'll tell you about the time I stabbed a cop". This is pretty sinister, right? She clarifies by saying he stabbed her first, which can only lead to more questions.

Just what led to Phoebe's altercation with the cop? Why did he stab her? Why did she then stab him back? It's a bizarre scenario that sums up Phoebe's life on the streets perfectly, but also her ruthlessness. If she'd stab a cop, who else would she stab? Chandler? Probably.

Many fan theories have have been made from this line alone, but we'll never truly know why she stabbed a cop, or why he stabbed her first.

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A grown up... allegedly