Friends: 10 Worst Things Phoebe Has Ever Done

2. Kissing David While Dating Mike

Friends Phoebe

In the episode 'The One With The Male Nanny', Phoebe's old love interest David turns up in New York out of the blue and speaks to Phoebe. She then tells him that she's not seeing him, when really she's seeing Mike, the man she exchanged apartment keys with that very day.

Later on, David turns up at Phoebe's apartment with a bottle of vodka, but Phoebe eventually explains that she is seeing someone and tells him about Mike. This doesn't stop them kissing, however, just as Mike walks into the apartment. This awkward encounter ends up resolved as Phoebe explains everything to Mike and promises it won't happen again, but that doesn't mean she was right to do it.

From leading David on by saying she's single, to then kissing him after telling him about Mike, Phoebe was certainly at her most thoughtless in this episode. She's incredibly lucky that Mike was so understanding since he essentially walked in on her cheating on him. Once again, Phoebe's lies almost got her into more trouble than she expected.

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A grown up... allegedly