Friends: 10 Worst Things Phoebe Has Ever Done

6. She Stole A Cat Thinking It Was Her Mother

Friends Phoebe

In the season 4 episode 'The One With The Cat', Phoebe finds a cat in her guitar case, in in true 'Phoebe fashion' she thinks the feline friend is her late mother. Phoebe believes the cat, who is male, is a reincarnation of her mother who killed herself when Phoebe was 14 years old.

None of the rest of the gang believe that this cat is really Phoebe's mother, but they have to involved when Rachel finds a poster for a missing cat, matching the exact description of Phoebe's 'mother'. Naturally, being Phoebe, she refuses to give the cat up, insisting that the feline came to her and chose to with her for a reason, despite there being a young girl in the city with a missing pet.

Ignoring how the little girl was feeling just to entertain a mad theory that a cat was her mother is certainly thoughtless of Phoebe, especially when she knew for a fact that this cat was the girl's and just didn't want to give him up. Ultimately she did, after making Ross apologise to the cat in an amusing turn of events.

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A grown up... allegedly