Friends: 10 Worst Things Phoebe Has Ever Done

5. She Donated Money To Children...Then Took It Back Again

Friends Phoebe

In the season 10 episode 'The One With The Home Study', Chandler and Monica get a home visit from the adoption agency, while Ross and Rachel have dealings with a swing set. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Mike come to the decision that they don't want a big flashy wedding. Much to Monica's dismay, they choose to donate the money for their wedding to charity instead.

After generously donating the large sum to a children's charity, Phoebe tries on a wedding veil and realises she does want a flashy wedding after all. Her and Mike then make the decision to ask for the money back from the children's charity. This is pretty evil. Obviously it's very generous to give the money in the first place, but taking money back from needy children is bad. Especially considering Phoebe grew up as a disadvantaged child, you'd think she'd know how much they need the money.

She does end up explaining that because she never had things such as graduation or prom she deserves a big wedding, and while her logic is sound, it's still not respectable to ask for a refund from a charity.

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A grown up... allegedly