Friends: 10 Worst Things Phoebe Has Ever Done

4. Torturing Chandler By Pairing Monica With Her ‘Soulmate’

Friends Phoebe

Phoebe's always had fun teasing her friends, which is usually harmless fun, but not in the case of 'Monica's Soulmate'. In the episode 'The One Where Joey Tells Rachel', Phoebe dates a guy named Don who she thinks would be absolutely perfect for Monica, calling him her 'soulmate'. Naturally she takes it upon herself to introduce the two of them in the coffee shop, right in front on Monica's husband Chandler.

Knowing that Chandler was both obsessed with Monica but also painstakingly insecure, Phoebe was being pretty evil. By introducing a guy she thought would be perfect for Monica for no other reason than to see what happens is bad enough, but in front of her insecure husband, that's just sadistic. Phoebe knew what she was doing and undoubtedly got a bigger kick out of seeing Chandler's misfortune than seeing whether Monica and Don got on well.

Luckily, Monica didn't want to run off with Don and her and Chandler lived happily ever after, but that doesn't make Phoebe actions okay, as once again she basically tortured one of her closest friends for a bit of amusement. Something she has a habit of doing.

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A grown up... allegedly