Friends: 10 Worst Things Phoebe Has Ever Done

3. She Ruins Joey’s Christmas Job

Friends Phoebe

In the episode 'The One Where Rachel Quits', Joey gets a job selling Christmas trees during the holiday season. Naturally he sells his best trees easier than others, and the not-so-good trees go to a wood chipper. When Phoebe heard about this she was not very pleased.

For the rest of the episode, in an attempt to save all the trees, Phoebe essentially sabotages Joey’s job in order to stop him selling the good trees. This sort of behaviour is selfish and yet another occasion of Phoebe not thinking how others are being affected by her actions.

To make things worse, by the end of the episode the rest of the group bought a bunch of Joey’s old trees to make Phoebe happy, and get her off Joey’s back. Ultimately Phoebe got rewarded for her unfair behaviour, which is classic Phoebe really. Joey even begged her to leave him alone so he could make a living during Christmas, but she didn’t listen.

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